Inspired by Scott Lawan's website, I started exploring how to create a site with a horizontal layout. Between the first two Google search results, I was able to come up with this. It uses two jQuery plugins written by Ariel Flesler to create the scrolling effect, and a simple jQuery script that simply sticks each div into a table cell. The only point of this script is to keep your source code a bit cleaner so that you don't have to add all of the typical table markup, but I think it's more of a hinderance than anything. I had a bunch of problems with getting fonts to size correctly, and I think this script is the culprit. If I were to use this layout in the future, I would definitely avoid using that script again and add the table tags manually.
The other issue I see with the site arises because I decided to use the floating div concept I just discovered recently. Basically, since I'm trying to allow the title to stay up there in the corner without using frames, it also doesn't move when you scroll vertically. Therefore, people with screen resolutions with heights less than ~800px (depending on how much chrome their browser have) have a vertical scrollbar, and it causes the main content area to overlap the title. Also, the nav sidebar doesn't scroll vertically, and I think the result makes the design look unclean and unfinished. I'm beginning to notice that the floating div trick works best on pages with short content boxes and little-to-no other page content.
Explanation (cont.)
You might also notice that the site isn't particularly vertically dynamic and think that this too is an issue. Actually, I designed the layout with Scott's website in mind, assuming that 533px tall photos and small bits of text were going to be the only content. Therefore, this main area is only tall enough to contain those images, plus a small amount of cushion room that could possibly hold captions.
Okay, yeah, I'm an idiot. Since I'm alreading having to use tables to make this page, I should have just used the old-school way of centering content vertically on a page: the vertical-align: middle css property on a 100% height table. That would have probably made the site more vertically stretchy (right?...I'm actually not sure about that since you have a height declared. But the table's content would override the implicit height, right?), and it would probably solve the title problem (by simply adding another table row that spans all columns with a fixed div inside of it.).
Well, I'll certainly clean the code up a good bit before I actually impliment this anywhere else.
Fourth post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eget eros libero. Fusce tempus quam sit amet erat mollis a fermentum nibh imperdiet. Fusce iaculis sapien in turpis aliquet porta. Donec tincidunt gravida tortor, vel dignissim augue convallis sit amet. Aliquam auctor ornare accumsan. Cras convallis elit tincidunt arcu semper egestas. Mauris interdum fringilla nisi. Cras a dapibus lectus. Praesent blandit ullamcorper ornare. Nam hendrerit sollicitudin urna non ultricies. Phasellus condimentum auctor risus, at accumsan tellus tempor vel. Nunc mattis eleifend dolor at adipiscing.
Fifth post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eget eros libero. Fusce tempus quam sit amet erat mollis a fermentum nibh imperdiet. Fusce iaculis sapien in turpis aliquet porta. Donec tincidunt gravida tortor, vel dignissim augue convallis sit amet. Aliquam auctor ornare accumsan. Cras convallis elit tincidunt arcu semper egestas. Mauris interdum fringilla nisi. Cras a dapibus lectus. Praesent blandit ullamcorper ornare. Nam hendrerit sollicitudin urna non ultricies. Phasellus condimentum auctor risus, at accumsan tellus tempor vel. Nunc mattis eleifend dolor at adipiscing.
Sixth post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eget eros libero. Fusce tempus quam sit amet erat mollis a fermentum nibh imperdiet. Fusce iaculis sapien in turpis aliquet porta. Donec tincidunt gravida tortor, vel dignissim augue convallis sit amet. Aliquam auctor ornare accumsan. Cras convallis elit tincidunt arcu semper egestas. Mauris interdum fringilla nisi. Cras a dapibus lectus. Praesent blandit ullamcorper ornare. Nam hendrerit sollicitudin urna non ultricies. Phasellus condimentum auctor risus, at accumsan tellus tempor vel. Nunc mattis eleifend dolor at adipiscing. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eget eros libero. Fusce tempus quam sit amet erat mollis a fermentum nibh imperdiet. Fusce iaculis sapien in turpis aliquet porta. Donec tincidunt gravida tortor, vel dignissim augue convallis sit amet. Aliquam auctor ornare accumsan. Cras convallis elit tincidunt arcu semper egestas. Mauris interdum fringilla nisi. Cras a dapibus lectus. Praesent blandit ullamcorper ornare. Nam hendrerit sollicitudin urna non ultricies. Phasellus condimentum auctor risus, at accumsan tellus tempor vel. Nunc mattis eleifend dolor at adipiscing.
Seventh post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eget eros libero. Fusce tempus quam sit amet erat mollis a fermentum nibh imperdiet. Fusce iaculis sapien in turpis aliquet porta. Donec tincidunt gravida tortor, vel dignissim augue convallis sit amet. Aliquam auctor ornare accumsan. Cras convallis elit tincidunt arcu semper egestas. Mauris interdum fringilla nisi. Cras a dapibus lectus. Praesent blandit ullamcorper ornare. Nam hendrerit sollicitudin urna non ultricies. Phasellus condimentum auctor risus, at accumsan tellus tempor vel. Nunc mattis eleifend dolor at adipiscing.
Eighth post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eget eros libero. Fusce tempus quam sit amet erat mollis a fermentum nibh imperdiet. Fusce iaculis sapien in turpis aliquet porta. Donec tincidunt gravida tortor, vel dignissim augue convallis sit amet. Aliquam auctor ornare accumsan. Cras convallis elit tincidunt arcu semper egestas. Mauris interdum fringilla nisi. Cras a dapibus lectus. Praesent blandit ullamcorper ornare. Nam hendrerit sollicitudin urna non ultricies. Phasellus condimentum auctor risus, at accumsan tellus tempor vel. Nunc mattis eleifend dolor at adipiscing.